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Siegen, Westfalen, Germany/Prussia (Preussen)

No, this is NOT about ghosts. I believe some select ancestral family members (HUFFMAN) have been trying to lovingly call my name. Since I’m a bit off, this was accomplished today via my good wife, Lynell Sala. I need to get a 1692 christening record for his alleged father. This, from a town in which I had faithfully & gratefully served several months in 1976-77 as a missionary for Jesus Christ, i.e. via the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Prior to getting 1692, I am trying to document the father that was provided by a fellow descendant. If you know me, I need to see the original document or a digital copy of the birth of this Frederick William Huffman{:>) Then, how did they get the name of the place of origin in the Old World. Hmm… Family History Mysteries…{:>)

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