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Ham & spam, some say I am. German Genealogy Expert offers service to many. Not all are grateful.

Karl-Michael Sala Yesterday 2:47 PM (edited)Edit

idk, but I do grant you-n-yours a whopping 50% discount on any Europe genealogy consultation. Plus, a 10% residual reward for referrals is placed in your research account. This, to give to whomever you’d like. Rather speak with me? 480-507-3316 = 1-888-456-7252

Margaret H Yesterday 7:55 PM

Give it up, Karl-Michael Sala; I come to G+ to get away from merchandising and advertisinng.

Karl-Michael Sala 1:38 AM Edit

@Margaret H & any other naysayers of my gracious offers to serve in your ancestral vineyard! You think G+ is against what I do & what I offer? I also have 121+ endearing endorsements on who would beg to differ with you.
Since 2011, I have given away $20,000 worth of my time on FamilySearch services & cracked more European cases than ever–PRO BONO, i.e. FOR FREE, NADA, NOTHING, ZILCH!
The day you pay my bills will be the day I might consider listening to your admonition for me to give up trying to serve. There, this laborer has proven more than worthy of his hire!
Who else offers a 50% discount? Who has paid you for a referral? If it is not for you, then so be it.
My ancestors came to this country for economic freedom. You want to strip that from them & me & hundreds of others who have been ably served?
I am not offering to increase the size of your anatomy, nor am I hawking pills & potions.
Your unwitting post & my sure-fire response will be the subject of my next blog. If you would like to apologize, I will add that. If you’d like to provide further blastings, I will add those as well. I testify that you will not curry much favor with my clients. You should, instead, thank me for the gracious offer!

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