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Where in the heck is/was Galicia, i.e. related to Poland & Russia?

Karl-Michael Sala sends Good News & a Tip: When you lack the name of a specific Europe place of origin of USA immigrant ancestors, where is the best place to do European research? In the USA! Indeed, recently I spoke with someone for the first time ever. I had some fun & found the name of the precise cities in which her ancestors–on both sides–had been born in Switzerland AND the city in which they last resided in Germany! This, from the 1930 US Census & NY Passenger List, respectively. The Census usually does not provide a city name, but they did in this 1930 entry! In addition, it also gave cities of origin for THEIR parents! The surname spelling had been seriously botched, but Lynell & I know just about all the tricks to finding people when others could not. After all, due to our 80+% success ratio, we were the very 1st 2 persons handpicked to begin the Paid Expert Research Line. Aren’t you happy for this client? They’d been trying to find this for many years! It goes to show that just jumping the water to Europe is generally NOT the solution to a European genealogy case that lacks the name of a specific place.

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