Comments Off on TIME IS SHORT. 10% REWARD. We just received our largest client retainer–ever! WANTED: ONLY 2 more clients for research IN Germany! Call 1-888-456-7252 MAKE OFFER TODAY!
WANTED: ONLY 2 more clients for German Genealogy research ON-SITE IN Germany! Call 1-888-456-7252. MAKE OFFER TODAY!
Now is the time for all good German descendants to keep their promises & come to the aid of their German ancestors!
Lynell & Karl-Michael SALA = = just received their largest client retainer–ever!
WHERE in Germany? From far north to southwestern Germany, Headquartered half-way in between in Kassel, Hessen, Germany (about 2 hours north of Frankfurt; 2 hours south of Hannover)
WHAT REWARD? 10% on-going, residual finder’s fee (or research credit) for referrals whose data you provide to us & whom we contact to give a free analysis & who hire us for German-American, USA, immigration or German research, online or offline.
FamilySearch Centers From FamilySearch Wiki via “Karl Sala” via probably G David Dilts of the FHL of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City &/or Ann Roach, a private German Genealogist who has–just like me–volunteered many hours at the FHL in Salt Lake City & in FHCs other states & countries. This, to help patrons with their German-American Genealogy & Euro-German Genealogy & global German Genealogy in other worldwide countries research.
There were certainly several East European areas where Germans were residing which are not shown on this map. E.g. many German Lutherans in Lithuania (Littau). There, Lynell & Karl-Michael Sala skillfully & massively researched the difficult old German handwriting & German Genealogy of SCHWELLNUS (SZWELNUS), et al. for a client who resides in South Africa. However, this demographic map is a good start.
File: Germans in Eastern Europe5.png
Size of this preview: 800 × 600 pixels Full resolution (1,024 × 768 pixels, file size: 1.11 MB, MIME type: image/png)
Description: Map of approximate locations of major German settlements in eastern Europe, including Baltic Germans, Banat, Batschka, Bessarabia, Black Sea Germans, Bukovina, Carpathian Germans, Caucasus, Crimea, Dobruja, Galicia, Ingermanland, Orenburg, Poland, Samara-Kuybychev, Sathmar, Swabian Turkey, Transylvania, Volga, and Volhynia.
Drawn by: Diltsgd (FamilySearch Wiki).
Date: Original 19 June 2008; updated 9 March 2009.
Source: Own work.
Permission: Public domain. I, Diltsgd [FamilySearch Wiki], the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into thepublic domain. This applies worldwide. In case this is not legally possible: I grant anyone the right to use this workfor any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.
* multiple views of that castle. I know there are many other German castles I still need to collect. Over 500 Euro castles in total. Most listed on my page:
All my original scans are very high res and scale up into large posters nicely. We sell watercolor paintings of many castles too. My dream is to visit Germany and paint many of these castles on location. Have you visited many of these castles?
Nice to chat. Thanks. Kimberley
Hi Cimberley{;>) I am Karl; not Carl (altho’ the check cashes either way). No, I was always concentrated & focused on cracking client German Genealogy research cases. I like, of course, the castles in Kassel, Hessen, Germany: The Herkules & the Loewenburg.
Comments Off on has accepted a German Genealogy research case for a client from South Africa who wishes to establish dual citizenship.
Online Emigration (departure) ResearchThe South Africa to Germany case is multi-faceted, multi-location, fascinating & challenging. We’ve already found one matriarch having departed Hamburg on the Hamburg Passenger Lists.
The huge South Africa back to Germany research case will require research off-site & on-site in various locations in Germany. Since 1979, over the last 3 decades, we’ve found THOUSANDS of data, documents & images on THOUSANDS of ancestral family members for HUNDREDS of clients! Since 1979, we’ve successfully research on-site, in-country in Germany & the Czech Republic 10+ times!
Therefore, Lynell & I are accepting only 1-3 more clients (depending on retainer size) for the upcoming research trip. Please make your inquiry-offer TODAY! Email & CALL Karl about your family history research case & your firm financial commitment: 1-602-503-0775 = 1-888-456-7252 (both 24-hr #s)
Retainers starting at $4,000 & up only. $1,000/day includes ALL costs & fees for two people working 12-16-hour days! If that is too pricey for you, then what used items or services have you to barter, sell or trade? You go & price air fare, auto rental & lodging expenses alone.
1+1>2? Yes, when we are in-country, you’ll have two caring researchers. We serve as built-in advisors, researchers & quality controllers for each other. Lynell challenges my hypotheses & makes me come up with more evidence & proof for my conclusions, methods or strategies. Any unused funds will be gladly applied to other international ancestry, genealogy & family history research.
To have received the ability to serve this big client, we offer gratitude & devotion to our webmaster, Paul A Johnson. In return, we get to care for, play with & watch his children, our grandchildren!
Karl-Michael Sala = The German Genealogist50% discount on your initial international genealogy research retainer! So, the larger your retainer, the bigger the research bang for your buck!
10% RESIDUAL (yes, on-going) research credit or commission paid out for referrals! Unheard of! But then, since 1979, Karl is always performing unheard of research practices & procedures. To wit, Karl is having “heard of” research successes for his global, international German genealogy research clients!
To wit: Since 1979, The German Genealogist, Karl-Michael Sala, has found THOUSANDS of data, documents & images on THOUSANDS of ancestral family members for HUNDREDS of clients, friends, family, patrons & himself !
Kassel-State Church-ArchiveGot German Genealogy? Email your query today. Time is short. Send your retainer today & get a 50% discount on your initial genealogy research retainer. The more you send, the more for which you will get TWICE AS MUCH RESEARCH! I am now slowly, albeit surely, translating the crucial words within the paper images of my Kassel-area, Hessen, Germany ancestral family entries from the Landeskirchlichen Archivs Kassel, Hessen, Germany. These are births, confirmations, marriages & deaths!
Landeskirchlichen Archivs Kassel, Hessen, Germany (Deutschland)Time is short. Are you finally ready for some serious USA, German-American, immigration or Euro-German, Prussian ancestral, genealogical, or family historical research? Landeskirchliches Archiv Kassel mailed us 2 CD-ROMs of my own German genealogy research we did over a year ago! Now, we have both hard copies & digital images of hundreds of ancestral entries of births, confirmations, marriages & deaths. These digital images are priceless because we can manipulate, edit, enlarge & enhance, share, email, post to websites, etc. This we also do for our clients?
I’ll later put in some details about my exciting 7 trips behind the former Iron Curtain to do research for an international clientele. According to her mother, my second daughter was pro-created behind the Iron Curtain in 1980–my 1st on-site research trip to Czechoslovakia & East German aka the German Democratic Republic!
Prior to the client having visited the two ancestral parishes of origin on-site in Oldenburg, we stunned the client Guilfoyle family of Kentucky & Florida with what we were able to ascertain on this GRAVE subject in Visbe(c)k & surrounding villages Oldenburg! After they returned to the USA, they were not happy with the research they were able to get from an onsite professional German genealogist, so they recurred in hiring us for additional research for the ancestral family from Bonrechtern & Rechterfeld, both villages that were a part of Visbe(c)k’s parish! Mary Guilfoyle wrote us an equally stunning endorsement–which I’ll later add to this post!
Karl Sala has numerous private endorsements for international German Genealogy research cases he cracked! Also, he now has a stunning 18 publicly-viewable professional endorsements at or better put in “Karl Sala” into the search engine at