The South Africa to Germany case is multi-faceted, multi-location, fascinating & challenging. We’ve already found one matriarch having departed Hamburg on the Hamburg Passenger Lists.
The huge South Africa back to Germany research case will require research off-site & on-site in various locations in Germany. Since 1979, over the last 3 decades, we’ve found THOUSANDS of data, documents & images on THOUSANDS of ancestral family members for HUNDREDS of clients! Since 1979, we’ve successfully research on-site, in-country in Germany & the Czech Republic 10+ times!
Therefore, Lynell & I are accepting only 1-3 more clients (depending on retainer size) for the upcoming research trip. Please make your inquiry-offer TODAY! Email & CALL Karl about your family history research case & your firm financial commitment: 1-602-503-0775 = 1-888-456-7252 (both 24-hr #s)
Retainers starting at $4,000 & up only. $1,000/day includes ALL costs & fees for two people working 12-16-hour days! If that is too pricey for you, then what used items or services have you to barter, sell or trade? You go & price air fare, auto rental & lodging expenses alone.
1+1>2? Yes, when we are in-country, you’ll have two caring researchers. We serve as built-in advisors, researchers & quality controllers for each other. Lynell challenges my hypotheses & makes me come up with more evidence & proof for my conclusions, methods or strategies. Any unused funds will be gladly applied to other international ancestry, genealogy & family history research.
To have received the ability to serve this big client, we offer gratitude & devotion to our webmaster, Paul A Johnson. In return, we get to care for, play with & watch his children, our grandchildren!