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Wekkenmann2 transcription
Client Report for Diane Gray: In short, the target ancestor apparently, without the correct method, emigrated from Germany. In 1871, he returned to his homeland for a visit and is trying to resolve an old debt.

Due to too many images, my having tried to upload this report failed. I have put the second translation on your behalf in The Box on this website. Please forgive my ignorance, at which I apparently excel as much as I do with research!, Karl-Michael Sala 1-888-456-7252 annotates, crops, dissects, edits, enlarges, transcribes & translates Weckenman2 document (renamed Wekkenmann2). Other interesting documents are yet to come, but not all of their transcriptions will fit within the most recent client retainer. Thank you for sending the final retainer for these translations, editings, enlargements, croppings & reportings!

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