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Yet another German Genealogy research case is cracked! This time the MANZ case: conceived, strategized & researched alone by Lynell Pierce Sala, our Research Director!

 (photo as a 1972 18-yr old) Karl-Michael Sala  writes:
Coming in “the front door,” its solution was NOT apparent.  But by her trying the side-door & that tiny basement window–so to speak–Lynell Pierce Sala solved this MANZ case!  Having used an online gazetteer for Saxony (Sachsen), Prussia (Preussen), Lynell Pierce Sala,  our Research Director, ascertained the Catholic parish for Flessau.  Not that she was looking for Catholics, but rather the Evangelical Lutheran Reformed Church (Evangelische Reformierte Kirche) records.  But because the Catholic records for Flessau were listed to be in Stendal, Sachsen, Preussen (Prussia), Lynell hypothesized that Flessau’s Lutheran Reformed church members may have been a part of Stendal’s parish.  Indeed.   You see, there is no gazetteer for the Reformed Records, but rather just the Evangelical Lutheran parishes. <FastForward>
BINGO!  There was the target ancestor, having been born on the exact day the client thought!  Lynell Pierce Sala single-handedly cracked the MANZ case for our South African client.  The client has been emailed & has been requested to send another retainer to continue that research in the available microfilms–& that’s in addition to continuing on-site research in Germany on a few of his other lineages.  10/29/2010 update:  Large retainer wire transfer is on the way!
Lynell would not post this, but I will. I am so proud of our Lynie! She is a crucial link in our Team at
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