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An der Luchbrücke: Finding difficult locations in Germany for a WW2 crash landing of a US bomber aircraft

Langes Luch
Karl-Michael Sala,446824750n.html
In der Nähe von ,,An der Luchbrücke´´
Berg / Hügel Strese-Berg…Quelle: OpenStreetMap
In der Nähe von ,,An der Luchbrücke´´
Berg / Hügel Strese-Berg
Berge Galgen-Berge, Mühlen-Berge
Binnensee, Stausee, Teich Prierowsee, Pfählingssee
Farm / Landwirtschaft Gerlachshof
Kanal (Schifffahrt) Nottekanal
Wasserlauf Müllergraben, Königsgraben Zossen, Königsgraben Zossen

Stuart Charlton Thank you Karl-Michael, but I don’t understand the German..Strassenkatalog = Street atlas ? I will try google translate .. The Map shows only the word luchbrucke.. nothing to say what it is or was.. I guess it has some connection to the canal ?

Stuart Charlton OK. Karl-Michael _I checked the map foe An der Luchbrucke, but can only see the label. it is basically the same map location shown on the “Bike Map” I found yesterday.. What is it ? What does it mean ?

Stuart Charlton OK… in the vicinity of or close to.. But what is luchbrucke ? I can only see a field, a road and a canal …

Karl-Michael Sala Stuart Charlton: After WW2, my German mother, Opa & Oma lived “am Heiligenbrunnen” (on/at the sacred springs) & in Iserlohn, Germany there is “an der Langen Hecke.” Some other street-names begin with Im [in the] ___ & an dem = am ___. So what you see might be about right. According to Wikipedia, Langes Luch is a protected natural area. So, “an der Luchbrücke” is probably a road that either leads to, or perhaps runs parallel to, the [Langes] Luch bridge.

Langes Luch – Wikipedia
Das Lange Luch ist ein Naturschutzgebiet im BerlinerBezirk Steglitz-Zehlendorf am Rande des Grunewalds. Das Luch ist eine sumpfig-morastige Senke der Glazialen Rinne der Grunewaldseenkette zwischen dem südwestlich gelegenen Riemeisterfenn und dem Grunewaldsee im Nordosten. Die Wasserverbindung stell…

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