Karl-Michael Sala Bio since BYU:
Short Version: I am “Opa” to 5 grandchildren & 4 adult children.
I’m now GermanGenealogist.com & a Professional German Genealogist
am SEO’d #1 across the board on Google, Yahoo & Bing for the keyword “German Genealogist.”
Since 1979 (while yet a BYU undergrad), for clients, patrons, family members, friends & acquaintances & at least one enemy, I have found:
* THOUSANDS of online & offline digital data, documents & images on THOUSANDS of ancestral family members for HUNDREDS of clients!
* Successfully traveled 7 times behind the former Iron Curtain to East Germany for clients’ German Genealogy research! This was back when it was no fun, controlled by a repressive regime of Socialists-Communists.
* Got strip-searched at Checkpoint Charlie in the former East Berlin.
* Researched in East Berlin with my eldest daughter to seriously crack a client’s case wide open.
In the 1st Quarter 2011, I have already set new German Genealogy research milestones to surpass milestones set in 2010!
* Total number of ancestral family members found, documented, imaged, preserved & uploaded to Box.net.
* Total number of villages researched for just ONE client.
* Average & total amounts of client research retainers received from the top two clients: ($13,000 per client)
* SMALLEST # of clients! (This is good news! This is what a genealogist wants.) And, therefore,
* The average & total amounts of time researching for just ONE client!
58+ endearing endorsements on Linkedin.com (no, not connections; but rather: commendations, gratitude, kudos, raves, wow letters, etc.)–& that’s just since July 2008–& that’s just from folks who happen to be on Linkedin! Just in case this number does not seem very large, consider how many do you & everyone you know have?
Offline, I have hundreds from folks who were never online!
My wife (BYU grad 1976), our Research Director, who speaks NO German, singlehandedly cracked 4 matriarchal German lineage research cases!
Lynell &/or Karl-Michael SALA (BYU 78-’81, BA, International Relations, emphasis on German Genealogy & Germany Re-unification! Since 1979: Thousands of data, documents & images found on thousands of ancestral family members for hundreds of clients!
(USA, Euro-Germanic & German-American, Immigration & Emigration)
karlmsala@msn.com http://www.GermanGenealogist.com (Search Engine Optimized{;>) thanks to paj@webondb.com
410 S Saddle St; Gilbert, AZ 85233-6810 USA
PHONE 480-507-3316 or (24-hr; 1-888-456-7252 lv msg)
58+ ENDEARING ENDORSEMENTS online since just July 2008!
Scores more received offline!
99% success ratio of having FOUND & digitized USA, UK, Euro-Germanic, Germany & Prussia online &/or offline data, documents & images: historical data, documents & images on THOUSANDS of ancestral family members for HUNDREDS of INTERNAT’L CLIENTS (celebrities, pig farmers & politicians; & senior-aged ladies)!
Karl is THE very 1st person hand-picked for the former Ancestry.com Paid Expert Ancestry Research Line (PEARL)!
Karl, former Europe & Germany Primary Research Consultant: fielded majority of research-oriented calls & emails from mainland Europe for Ancestry.de[utschland]!
Highest-rated internat’l genealogist on Military.com & the ONLY German Genealogist on Military.com
“Lynell & Karl! Quick! Please help me find my ancestors–before I become one!” –a young client
“Expensive? No, Ma’am. Expensive is when you spend 30 years and much expense just TRYING to find what we often DO find in ONE DAY!” –Karl Sala
On your initial retainer for online research, take a 50% DISCOUNT off prices shown below (i.e., get twice as much)!
Can’t find specific data, documents or images yourself?
Hire us @ $50/hr ($500 – $50,000 retainer requested).
No mun? Offer us or sell something you don’t need! We also take pre-approved barter, cash, checks, trade, etc.
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