Puget Sound Genealogical Society (closed) Group Facebook Post by Karl-Michael Sala
@ Rosemarie! Because of the oddities of “German(ic)” geography & history, each case is indeed its own. Historical “Germany” extends into numerous modern-day European countries, from Alsace & Belgium to Austria & Bessarabia..
For some limited complimentary counsel, you may email us your dilemma. That’s how Lynell & I have taught numerous German Genealogy “classes” that we call “workshops.” This means we are weary of people just talking & squawking about German Genealogy. While it may be just a hobby for some, for us, ’tis a passion & profession that nobody can deny or deny from us.
As a near-death experience (NDE) survivor, I say that time is short. It is time instead to get busy & crack, solve & build the case!
29 June 2011: We cracked two more cases that our client, Jill Holcomb, & another pro’ German Genealogist had been working on for THIRTY YEARS! We solved it in 2 hours! Tscheschen-Glashütte, Schlesien, Preussen. One Polish; the other German (yes, they did marry{;>).
The client cried with joy now 3 times: 1) When I analyzed her case & ordered the RIGHT microfilms; 2) When I found both target ancestors on those microfilms & posted the stunning images in her online tree (no, the years of birth she had were not correct); & 3) today as we discussed our having found yet other ancestral family members on both lines whom she & the other genealogist had missed. (Not blasting; just commenting).
Today, a grateful new client posted our 63rd endearing endorsement since 2008 on Linkedin.com for professional German Genealogy Research!
Since 1979, I’ve done much volunteer work in Family History Centers in CA, CO, Germany, NV, UT, just as I now do at the Mesa, Arizona Regional Family History Center. I love what I do for patrons & clients. Please don’t try to pop my bubble & those who need what I can do for them.
To please the administrator & a few others, I’ll conform & omit my URL. But, truly, how do you hold a moonbeam ray of German Genealogy research hope in your hand? You don’t & you don’t prevent others from doing so. You cheerlead for them{;>) & publish it on the mountain & the rooftops!