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Old German handwriting (alte deutsche Handschrift) is found in numerous countries of Europe!

[1:32:58 AM] Karl-Michael Sala posted to the FamilySearch’s Genealogy Research Community’s (on Facebook) Skype page:

Is there really NObody else who can decipher the old German handwriting?  If not, then we need to recruit some additional German Handschrift-capable admins. Jens has referred others to us, esp. when the words were German vis-a-vis Danish. 

You see, as many of you know, many areas of Europe, southward from the Czech Republic, northward to Denmark, back over to France & across to Poland, Lithuania & Russia, were administered & ruled by Germans. 

I’ve now cracked 10+ cases in Poland–& that’s just since June 2011 !  These are often cases that patrons have been “dinking with” for decades.  Time is short. It is time to cease “dinking” & get to the “cracking.” {:>) A case cannot be cracked if the name of the location cannot be ascertained or deciphered from phonetic & hand-written variants.  –Karl-Michael Sala, German Genealogist since 1979; now aka (I do a heckuva lot more than German)

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